
Showing 201-240 of 2,293 reviews
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    3.5/5 stars

    Overall this was a good album. I often like more the b-sides than the main song, but this time I think Melt down is my favorite. I like how the album starts with Monster, with a more rock tone and together with Melt down are my favorites from the album. Special mention to Help Me Rock&Roll, I found this song so fun!

    Another detail that I love in this album are the voices harmonies, it makes me remember to their firsts albums and it's nostalgic.

    Still this album is not from my favorites, since there are songs that are not my cup of tea: Counter and Shxxty Game. I found Counter a weird song, I apreciate the experimental… More

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    4.5/5 stars

    This might arguably be the best album in Fleet Foxes’ discography. The harmonies are euphoric and on point as always and also has some unreal builds and progressive elements, and even some post-rock influences are sprinkled into this thing! If anyone is looking for a weird prog-folk album that’s gonna take them on a fun journey this one is a great choice!

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    4/5 stars

    I have been flirting with Zach for a while but consider me comprehensively Bryan-pilled.

    Simple on purpose and that's what makes it so good. Some unforgettably heartbreaking lyrics, "Your funeral was beautiful, I think I heard you come in" will be stuck in my brain forever.

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    4/5 stars

    It’s the Jack White we’ve been silently asking Santa for each Christmas. A bit of a drop off in the back half, but what a refreshing journey through theatrical garage rock that takes me back to the good ol’ days of The White Stripes.

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    5/5 stars

    Released in 1982 when I was a junior in high school, Nebraska was Bruce Springsteen's follow-up to The River, a double album he recorded with the E Street Band. Nebraska on the other hand was recorded in his basement on a four-track recording machine and it features nobody but the Boss himself. I have owned this recording on LP, cassette, CD and audio download over the past 42 years. You can listen to it here.

    I used to listen to it on repeat when driving north on Interstate 95 to see my children, several states away, after their Mom and I split up. The songs tell stories and some, like Highway Patrolman, convey an entire movie's worth of details in… More

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    3/5 stars

    A very nice and plain noise record: it felt like what I'd imagine holding fans to your ears while falling through air would feel like.

    The sounds were not high-pitched (à la Merzbow) but very mid-levelled; this made for nearly an ambient listening experience.

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    This band was fresh out from high school when this happened, uh. True college rock, it just sounds like a bunch of friends doing their thing for fun, not being "professional" but turned out pretty good. Uncomplicated but layered stuff.

    I'll be forever bummed out these kids split so early.

    La portada me recuerda al estilo de Miguel Angel Martin.

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    4.5/5 stars

    I came across Michelle Gurevich's art totally randomly - got introduced by Spotify's algorithm. Probably one of the best recommendations.

    You can easily feel the russian romance in her songs; in its whole beauty. She successfully describes love, tension, sadness - every color of a romance. The fast pace of some songs (e.g. Russian Romance, End of An Era) makes me feel like I'm in a long train trip, in autumn, going through russian suburbs.

    If you like to listen and understand lyrics of songs, then this album is for you. Words are not repeated much, and each song has a story to tell. And I love this a lot!

    "Le Temps Que Meurt" - 8th song from the… More

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    4.5/5 stars

    Menos de media hora para un viaje que pasa con facilidad del house acuático (Goodmorning Babe) al confesional lo-fi (Runaway Pup, uno de los highlights del disco), o del R&B afectado a la electrónica con ecos Maxima FM (Stalk Me 151 to 170). Hay de todo en Notes To Self como para que cada oyente encuentre algo que le resulte apetecible y, lo que es aún mejor, seguramente todo lo que hay aquí dentro lo sea para vosotros. Uno de los debuts del año.

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    4/5 stars

    To think this album was made in 1996 is incredible; it feels like an ambient->backroom at a techno club->ambient It's a great album to listen to.

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    4/5 stars

    This is a really fun band. They're funny, too.

    I really dig their first album, Pure Particles, which was a lot of fun in a brief period of time. Now they've signed with Sub Pop, the record label, which hasn't really changed their music or seemingly their fun perspective. Songs are about the import of proper alcohol quality and making a really pop song; there's a lot of ironic sensibilities strewn across the album.

    Don't miss this lot. Very lovely melodies, songwriting, and collaborative song. Power pop meets twee indie.

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    4.5/5 stars

    Ese corto, pero intenso período entre los últimos años de la primera década y lo que vendría después del 2010 fueron una constante cascada de discos de buenísima calidad de Pop y Rock nacido en Chile. El disco de Dënver es una joya salida de esos años y 14 años después sigue siéndolo.

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    4/5 stars

    Llevo semanas con una canción de Trivium en bucle, así que decidí escuchar este disco para ver si puedo encontrar otro temazo que se meta bajo mi piel durante un tiempo. Son canciones lo suficientemente rítmicas y melódicas para que yo no me fatigue ni de una cosa ni de la otra. Creo haber encontrado mi cup of tea dentro de este género, y este sería el metalcore melódico de los 2000. Este uno de los grupos de este género más reconocidos y puedo ver por qué. Es un disco algo largo, 55 minutos para ser exactos, pero se hace muy corto y para nada pesado o repetitivo. Incluso la última canción de 7 minutos es interesante de principio a… More

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    3/5 stars

    No había escuchado nada de Jack White en solitario, así que no tenía ni idea de qué sonido me iba a encontrar. Lo primero con lo que me he topado ha sido con guitarrazos y más guitarrazos. Cosa que no me disgusta, pero aquí me ha parecido un tanto abrumador. En este disco hay riffs muy molones y que me mueven mucho la cabeza, pero a medida que avanza se me va haciendo algo repetitivo. Los cinco primeros temas son los que más me han gustado, tienen ese encanto y esa guitarra que me atrapa. A pesar de haber leído muchas críticas hacia la producción, en este trabajo no es algo que me moleste. Las voces ligeramente más flojitas que… More

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    3.5/5 stars

    Empezamos la semana por todo lo alto con este disco que tantas ganas tenía de escuchar. Hay una cosa que me gusta y es lo mucho que suena a futurista y a nave espacial. Es un proyecto Synth pop con todo el rollo a ciencia ficción. La voz principal y su forma de cantar me recuerda un poco a María Zardoya de The Marias, cosa que me gusta. Casi cada una de las canciones está hilada con transiciones que me maravillan cada vez que las escucho en trabajos similares. Hay momentos donde la producción es tan intrigante que me agarra la cabeza y me la mueve de arriba a abajo. La cuestión es que, hay álbumes de Synth pop que… More

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    5/5 stars

    Look, I love the moody Mr Blake as much as the next person, but there’s something about Assume Form that I just can’t get sick of. Every listen and every track just hit somewhere special. It’s a true pop ascension for Blake that feels honest to who he is; masterfully crafted and articulate without the typical watered down mess that comes from most seasoned artists looking for a way to increase their audience.

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    3/5 stars

    This was highly anticipated on my lists as days before its release, Jon Hopkins dropped a masterful “Early Mornings” mix for Apple Music, featuring a range of genres that I assumed would be a teaser to the influences for this album. At moments It was almost reminiscent of Immunity.

    That turned out not the be the case. This is entirely different: a deep and meditative soundscape more akin to a hero’s journey through a dystopian future than any kind of club tracks.

    I think that it requires a listen; and it requires you to sit and give it your full attention. You wind up drifting off in thought at times, especially as the album drives home basically only one… More