li's reviews

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  • by Lucy

    i've listened to this 2.5 times so far today and this might be my surprise favorite release of the year what. i have extremely not been keeping up with new music but like. who knows how true this will be on any other days but today i'm so into this

  • many years ago i went through a phase where i used 朝は来るから すぐ明けるから for my morning alarm, which is Very Funny when i think about it. (no really. listen to it and imagine waking up to it on, like… a normal morning.)

    anyway i need to be up early to catch my plane tomorrow and all the normal alarm sounds were annoying so i'm using it as my "get your ass to the [train to the] airport NOW" alert 👍

  • it's important for me to never shut the Hell up about Love-Lore i just love it SO much. from Benjamin Piekut's write-up on the bandcamp page:

    My first idea was to ask the band to perform a complete album, start to finish, but not one of their own. We thought a complete cover version of an old record by Mauricio Kagel or Luciano Berio might be fun. Ultimately, the band settled on a much better idea, which turned into the medleys that you hear on this release. I loved this solution because it highlighted the active role of listening, the participatory dynamic of the vernacular, and the almost pedagogical quality of musical arrangement: “Here is how we hear this one!… More

  • i completely forgot this band existed until i saw someone mention they're doing a reunion show. i went through… some kind of phase with this album. just glancing at the track list, there are two extremely direct references to the Ender Quartet, which i thought was awesome. "these guys read books! they've read books that i've read!!!"

    i simultaneously feel like this album is underrated (because i never met anyone else who'd heard it? because i… forgot about it?) and… eh. even during my phase with it, i wanted to be more into it than i actually was. the best i've been able to come up with is… it doesn't go crazy enough. and by crazy i mean leaning into… More

  • actually really tight and fun!! the most surprising thing about this record to me is that… i like it more than many (most??) of the albums from the early '00s when pop punk and emo were having their heyday. the stuff that i associate with this sound is pretty much bands where i was into the hooky singles but bounced off the albums, but this album is Chock Full o' Hooks. nothing groundbreaking here, but i've gotta respect the craft and polish that CLIFFDIVER is bringing — the details matter, and imo all throughout Birdwatching they've fucking nailed the details. i'm impressed!

  • hey where's birdwatching. birdwatching is not in the musicbrainz db yet?? this is extremely harshing my bit where most of my "reviews" are on music that is at least a decade old but every once in a while i leave a review after listening to exactly 30 seconds of a new album.

    as for Gas City, it's at the top of my "joy-bringers" playlist that i bust out for emergencies, thank you CK for introducing me to this song and CLIFFDIVER 🙏

  • they say misery 🤔 loves company 🧑‍🤝‍🧑👯 we could start a company 💼………… and MAKE misery 😩

    this song is Very Funny. shoutout to i think J who introduced me to it so long ago. in the music video they are manufacturing the CD singles for this song! wow so metatextual. FRUSTRAAATED INCOOORPORATED!

    somewhere maybe, or not, i have a sheet of scrap paper where i went through and broke down the mix of this song. if i ever find it, i will update this review or write a new one or whatever.

  • Greg Graffin is entirely allergic to subtext, yet literary enough to occasionally drop shit like "incipient senescence" and "loneliness saunters in [freedom's] breeze like a disease it drags along" into his lyrics. this was actually the perfect combination for me when i was 14 years old and really into no bullshit! but also big words!.

    of course this album is… often cartoonishly didactic lmao. these days i find it sometimes earnest and endearing, sometimes self-righteous and exasperating… sometimes both at once. not really an album i revisit, but one that feels… deeply instrumental in the construction of my worldview during those early teen years.

    there is, in my opinion, a single indisputable best song on this album. i am not… More

  • i am Deep Cleaning my browser bookmarks, and via that twisted labyrinth i found a mention of Black Out Days being an obsession song for me soon after it was released, and haha yeah i remember at least one night of drinking box wine alone and staying up until dawn while that song played on repeat. a truly miserable period!!

    i can listen to this album without having a bad time, but… it's weird because i know it well, and every once in a great while think about listening to it… and i just can't emotionally connect with it. i hear feeling in it but it's kind of a dissociation album to me? sonically i always liked what they were… More

  • ?? actually flawless album. the odd thing is that i've listened to it [jumps to] uhhh literally at least 90 times before 2016, so then definitely over 100 times since then. and i have never really thought of it as one of my "favorite albums" if that topic comes up! or even had strong feelings or opinions about it beyond "i like it :)"

    but this monday i put it on, and all the joy and grief of it hit me at once. it's so gentle and humorous and pained, and never, ever gives in to cynicism. which is so important to me!! it's like… dark earnest. an album for loss and letting go and not simply going through it… More

  • in high school i downloaded a MIDI file of the Steel Samurai theme and somehow got it onto my flip phone, which did not have any of those fancy things such as an "SD card" or "USB" or even a "web browser", which means i like. somehow MMS'd it from a computer to my phone??? all i remember is it was difficult. those were the days huh!!!

    i also did this with the intro of Kefka's Theme for my text ringtone. yes that is a different video game. yes even just the intro is way too long for a text ringtone. no i did not use it for long.

  • by MGMT

    have you ever read something that articulates a part of yourself so uncannily that the experience of reading it has the same phenomenal quality as a thought just occurring? that is the closest thing i can think of to describe how i relate to this song. it accords too perfectly.

    if you know of other music that evokes precisely this vibe you are legally obligated to tell me.

  • i already had a little story for this album, but stories sometimes double upon stories, and now i have a doubled-upon story for this album.

    yesterday: i am tidying my bedroom while listening to a new release by a band i have never heard of before, and by some leaps of association, i am reminded of this album. i put it on, thinking i can give it a fresh listen and maybe even log it here on record dot club. i am also coming up against my own stubbornness while tidying, so i break to take a shower.

    here are some words i've sure other people have used to describe Gossamer: exuberant. frenetic. exultant. devastating. it doesn't devastate me now,… More

  • i got this album for christmas the same year that i got the 3rd gen iPod for christmas and i was so psyched. this is the first CD i ever ripped on my PC to put on an iPod!!! unfortunately that iPod was not long for this world because (i am speculating here) there was a firmware bug that could brick the iPod when you connected it to a PC????? so a few days after christmas my dad and i went back to best buy for an exchange… and a few days after that, that iPod bricked too. and so i gave up on iPods and did minidiscs for a while until i got the "iPod photo", which is apparently… More

  • i have never had a hankering to go back and listen to this album, but there was a phase during like… 6th grade? when i was really into it. mostly Monkey Wrench, Hey, Johnny Park! (still no clue what that song title "means" or is in reference to or what), Wind Up, and… wait for it… Everlong. yeah. of course.

    lol, just skipping through this album now and dave grohl mentions the Kingdome in New Way Home! i know what that is (was) now!!! i guess that really did exist once upon a time huh

  • now here is a self-titled album from the '90s that has a Beige Version but no corresponding Red Version. if you have no idea what i'm talking about here literally don't worry about it.

    honestly i'm only reviewing this because i'm allowing stream of consciousness to guide the reviews that i am writing here, which are more like little notes on how i encountered an album and what i associate with it. i was reminded of this one because 1) it's Beige, and 2) it came from my dad's collection. no i didn't know shit about Nirvana when i first listened to it. and i'm listening to it now and i'm not super impressed. i barely recall any of this… More

  • ok what's the deal with self-titled albums released in the late '90s that have a Beige Version and a Red Version of the covers. i am referencing the SOAD self-titled here but do let me know if there are other examples of this phenomenon.

    i've never listened to another Third Eye Blind album but i've listened to this one a lot. (side note: they released an album in 2021 called Our Bande Apart? like… as a reference to Bande à part?? lmao.) my parents both bought new walkmans and my dad bought this cassette before my family took an overseas trip in 1999. it's funny that my dad bought this because it's not his vibe at all?? like i almost… More


    the thing is the back of this album is so important.

    yeah this album had an effect on me for sure ahaha. sometimes i do Sugar at karaoke and guess what it's awesome. at least one time i laid on the floor of my bedroom listening to Peephole on repeat, totally sober because i did not touch drugs even a little bit when i was in high school. i love feeling insane to this album. most of the music i listen to these days is not much like this at all! pretty much a perfect forever album for me.

  • the album that hit #1 on the charts on 9/11 !!!!! fucking awesome. i didn't listen to it until years later, and didn't totally process how much Prison Song wasn't fucking around even a little bit until years after that. Science is one of the most straightforward SOAD songs to ever exist and back when i was an annoying atheist i was kinda like "well ok" but now i pretty much agree with it more than ever lol. i could take or leave Chop Suey tho

    i don't have official stats on this but i'm fairly certain that i revisit this album at least once year because i'm fated to go through "i feel like listening to SOAD" phases for… More

  • pretty sure i got a burned copy of this from RC, and it was extremely novel to all of us at the time that a ~pop punk~ band could have a violin in it! wow!!! and it's electric even!!!

    i pretty much do not ever go back and listen to this album but i did listen to it enough at the time that i still remember most of the lyrics. Way Away is a good album opener. i have some fondness for Breathing and Inside Out.

    but let's get to the real reason i'm writing this review at this moment: they literally put a 9/11 tribute song on this album. they literally put a clip of george w. bush… More

  • what if i told you that i remember sitting on the school bus sometime in the week after 9/11/2001 listening to Hear You Me and being like wow this song is helping me process 9/11. like not in those exact words but that's what the feeling was.

    like this sounds fake and i'm not sure if i would believe me either. but i remember very particular and detailed images related to this! specific stops along the bus route! the LCD on my sony discman! the 06 in the 7-segment display!

    also i remember blasting Get It Faster in the family minivan in late august of that same year after getting this CD at uhhh probably best buy… More

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