by Phantogram
i am Deep Cleaning my browser bookmarks, and via that twisted labyrinth i found a mention of Black Out Days being an obsession song for me soon after it was released, and haha yeah i remember at least one night of drinking box wine alone and staying up until dawn while that song played on repeat. a truly miserable period!!
i can listen to this album without having a bad time, but… it's weird because i know it well, and every once in a great while think about listening to it… and i just can't emotionally connect with it. i hear feeling in it but it's kind of a dissociation album to me? sonically i always liked what they were doing on this and Eyelid Movies, and yet. "hollow" is the word that comes to mind, which i don't say to be a hater, but just as what my reaction seems to be every time i return
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