the album that hit #1 on the charts on 9/11 !!!!! fucking awesome. i didn't listen to it until years later, and didn't totally process how much Prison Song wasn't fucking around even a little bit until years after that. Science is one of the most straightforward SOAD songs to ever exist and back when i was an annoying atheist i was kinda like "well ok" but now i pretty much agree with it more than ever lol. i could take or leave Chop Suey tho
i don't have official stats on this but i'm fairly certain that i revisit this album at least once year because i'm fated to go through "i feel like listening to SOAD" phases for… More
pretty sure i got a burned copy of this from RC, and it was extremely novel to all of us at the time that a ~pop punk~ band could have a violin in it! wow!!! and it's electric even!!!
i pretty much do not ever go back and listen to this album but i did listen to it enough at the time that i still remember most of the lyrics. Way Away is a good album opener. i have some fondness for Breathing and Inside Out.
but let's get to the real reason i'm writing this review at this moment: they literally put a 9/11 tribute song on this album. they literally put a clip of george w. bush… More
what if i told you that i remember sitting on the school bus sometime in the week after 9/11/2001 listening to Hear You Me and being like wow this song is helping me process 9/11. like not in those exact words but that's what the feeling was.
like this sounds fake and i'm not sure if i would believe me either. but i remember very particular and detailed images related to this! specific stops along the bus route! the LCD on my sony discman! the 06 in the 7-segment display!
also i remember blasting Get It Faster in the family minivan in late august of that same year after getting this CD at uhhh probably best buy… More