i did some URL hacking just so i could get here and say this is exactly the sound of a turn-of-the-millennium middle school dance. this compilation includes It Wasn't Me because it's from when music was real 👍
i have never had a hankering to go back and listen to this album, but there was a phase during like… 6th grade? when i was really into it. mostly Monkey Wrench, Hey, Johnny Park! (still no clue what that song title "means" or is in reference to or what), Wind Up, and… wait for it… Everlong. yeah. of course.
lol, just skipping through this album now and dave grohl mentions the Kingdome in New Way Home! i know what that is (was) now!!! i guess that really did exist once upon a time huh
now here is a self-titled album from the '90s that has a Beige Version but no corresponding Red Version. if you have no idea what i'm talking about here literally don't worry about it.
honestly i'm only reviewing this because i'm allowing stream of consciousness to guide the reviews that i am writing here, which are more like little notes on how i encountered an album and what i associate with it. i was reminded of this one because 1) it's Beige, and 2) it came from my dad's collection. no i didn't know shit about Nirvana when i first listened to it. and i'm listening to it now and i'm not super impressed. i barely recall any of this… More
ok what's the deal with self-titled albums released in the late '90s that have a Beige Version and a Red Version of the covers. i am referencing the SOAD self-titled here but do let me know if there are other examples of this phenomenon.
i've never listened to another Third Eye Blind album but i've listened to this one a lot. (side note: they released an album in 2021 called Our Bande Apart? like… as a reference to Bande à part?? lmao.) my parents both bought new walkmans and my dad bought this cassette before my family took an overseas trip in 1999. it's funny that my dad bought this because it's not his vibe at all?? like i almost… More
pretty sure i got a burned copy of this from RC, and it was extremely novel to all of us at the time that a ~pop punk~ band could have a violin in it! wow!!! and it's electric even!!!
i pretty much do not ever go back and listen to this album but i did listen to it enough at the time that i still remember most of the lyrics. Way Away is a good album opener. i have some fondness for Breathing and Inside Out.
but let's get to the real reason i'm writing this review at this moment: they literally put a 9/11 tribute song on this album. they literally put a clip of george w. bush… More
what if i told you that i remember sitting on the school bus sometime in the week after 9/11/2001 listening to Hear You Me and being like wow this song is helping me process 9/11. like not in those exact words but that's what the feeling was.
like this sounds fake and i'm not sure if i would believe me either. but i remember very particular and detailed images related to this! specific stops along the bus route! the LCD on my sony discman! the 06 in the 7-segment display!
also i remember blasting Get It Faster in the family minivan in late august of that same year after getting this CD at uhhh probably best buy… More