doubledagger's reviews

Showing 9 reviews
  • 4/5 stars

    Gorgeous warm ambient soundscapes. The recording is immaculate in a way that doesn't feel live particularly, almost in tension with the occasional cough / chair scrape from the crowd - the bursts of applause and moments where Frahm talks to the audience feeling like abrupt wake ups.

  • 4/5 stars

    Dares to ask the question: “What if one of those late era forever delayed legacy albums was actually really good?”

    Early on my thought process was that I was really enjoying it, but if it was gonna keep doing the big atmospheric instrumental intros, I was gonna end up bored. It kept doing those. I did not get bored in the slightest.

  • 4.5/5 stars

    I was always sort of into their previous stuff (Twenty-Two Strings especially) but this is a step above for them. They’ve hit on songs with a real groove and everything is just fuller - the step up to a four piece making the difference maybe.

    Title track Norther is definitely up there for song of the year for me.

  • 5/5 stars

    Almost like a Greatest Hits collection of entirely new songs.

    Totally effortless listen, despite the dense, genre hopping run time.

    I Walk, Non-Metaphorical Decolonization and Writing Poems easily sit with his best songs, along with too many others to name.

  • 3.5/5 stars

    It’s not Phenomenal Nature good, which has some songs that are as close to perfect as you can get, but it’s a a comfortable space to exist in.

    Jenkins is still on top form when it comes to album centerpieces too - Omakase is reminiscent of the wonderful Hard Drive while still being able to stand by itself.

  • 2/5 stars

    First time I've properly listened to a Linkin Park record since Meteora as a teenager.

    Parts of this work and remind me why I was so into them at the time (Heavy Is The Crown).

    Other parts just feel like they're going through the motions, it's all a bit bloodless (Casualty). Two Faced in particular feels like it's desperately trying to be a Hybrid Theory song and ends up, at best, sounding like a bad cover version and largely just serves as a reminder of a better album rather than feeling like a continuation.

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Review Ratings 9

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