Avg. rating

4/5 stars

Gorgeous warm ambient soundscapes. The recording is immaculate in a way that doesn't feel live particularly, almost in tension with the occasional cough / chair scrape from the crowd - the bursts of applause and moments where Frahm talks to the audience feeling like abrupt wake ups.


  • I love the "immaculate" nature of this recording, so that when the applause erupts it feels almost violent. Still working on my own review, but thinking a lot about the sequencing. Is it spot on? Or not quite right?

  • @Bryan Hayes I think the sequencing is probably good? But I’ll admit to being someone who doesn’t really notice issues with sequencing unless there’s something glaringly wrong with it, so I’m looking forward to your take on it!

  • After the mention of sequencing, I wondered if this was pieced together from multiple nights or not and it turns out it's the first live record of his that actually captures a single performance. For what it's worth I don't have any issue with the setlist/sequencing. Was a joy to be reminded of seeing him during this period and being one of so many strange animals recorded and incorporated into his music throughout the tour.

  • @crompsy - This is helpful context. The more time I spend with the album, it is clear to me, that my questions about sequencing were more about visual hangups about the song runtimes and less about what it feels like to listen to / experience the recording.

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