Paul's reviews

Showing 7 reviews
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    4/5 stars

    Well, the 'surprise me' feature for the Queue is proving its value.

    For the first half of the album I was thinking 'this is fine enough but I probably won't revisit'. Then it really got into its stride, and made me want to listen to it again through as a whole again. I'm a fan.

    I think this review actually describes what makes it good though...!

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    4/5 stars

    I've found myself coming back to this more than any other album of The Smile's, so that must be a good thing. I think @postmark's positive comments probably ensured I gave it a little more attention than I usually would; I'm glad I did though. As to what I like about it... I couldn't tell you.

    (But it sometimes feels too slow for my liking, depending on my mood, so could easily slip down to a 3 when I'm feeling impatient)

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    4.5/5 stars

    I think this is a stonker of an album with no dud tracks. The intensity of its feel-good vibes has me dancing around the kitchen on every listen (assuming I am in the kitchen). Special shout outs to Baddy on the Floor (obv), Dafodil, Life, and The Feeling I Get From You.

    Rated down half a point because maybe it’s too predictable. But I’m usually a ‘more of the same is fine by me, as long as it bangs’ kinda guy, so it’s no biggie

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    4/5 stars

    I had been putting off listening to this because I feared it wouldn't live up to the brilliance of PAINLESS. I needn't have worried.

    While it may not have quite the same impact as PAINLESS's high points, it is still a tremendous album. It starts with energy and pace but quickly settles into a record that feels reflective and considered. It may be less catchy and poppy, but it's an album that gently envelops you, and I like that. Bonus points for the toms on Mutations.

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    3.5/5 stars

    Is it a three, is it a four? Is it a collection of uniquely great songs or a collection of similarly good songs that all merge into one? I'll give it some more listens because it makes me bop and in isolation almost every track is a treat, but currently has the tendency to feel samey when listened through in one go

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    3.5/5 stars

    Great album, dreamy vibes, and one I'll make an effort to revisit. Something about 'Time To' threw me off though, felt slightly out of place although I couldn't tell you why, and the album tails off a bit too much with 'Trust and Desire' for my liking

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