Only God Was Above Us

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  • 4.5/5 stars

    hi ha certa bellesa en veure guanyar als mateixos de sempre després d'una mala temporada. notar com malgrat el temps que ha passat mantenen la forma i quan s'ho proposen poden noquejar a qualsevol rival que es pose per davant. tornar a treure-li mitja volta d'avantatge al segon cotxe i damunt, pavonar-se traient el dit pel monoplaça. vampire weekend podrien entrar dins d'aquest catàleg de guanyadors genials amb valls per pura "gossera", i "only god was above us" és un cim tan alt en tots els aspectes que fins i tot mirar cap a baix pot fer por. meta-música per totes bandes, tristor burgesa i arreglaments per dedicar-los un llibre sencer. el somriure de qui ho ha guanyat tot i… More

  • 5/5 stars

    Dude I didn’t think this album would get any better for me but it somehow has. This thing is a modern indie rock classic in my eyes and I think it’s growing more and more into my favorite vampire weekend album. There’s so many fresh ideas on this record that gives the band new life and is totally different from anything they’ve done. Some of their weirdest and daring ideas are on here and they pay off in flying colors. Seriously an incredible album.

    Favorite tracks: Ice Cream Piano, Classical, Capricorn, Connect, Prep School Gangsters, Gen-X Cops, Mary Boone, Hope

  • 5/5 stars

    Casi con toda seguridad, el mejor disco de 2024.

    Y lo dice alguien que, hasta Only God Was Above Us, consideraba que Vampire Weekend era una más de las mediocridades de los primeros 2010s.

    Menos mal que siempre estoy dispuesto a revisar mis convicciones, porque me hubiese fastidiado mucho encontrarme semejante joya dentro de x años y pensar: como pude ser tan tonto.

  • 5/5 stars

    It's hard to remember a band that has a better and more solid discography. I had my doubts in the previous album, which ended up being one of my favourites after some years.

    I love bands that love producing albums, Vampire Weekend takes care of that, you won't feel like they made this in 1-2 months. There is hard work here.

    Please, allow yourself to sense all the love and passion that was put in every song.

    Capricorn is a masterpiece.

  • 4.5/5 stars

    After a couple of weeks of listening to this album, I can finally say this is my favorite in their discography. It's their most mature and honest LP, using a raw master to add to the authenticity similarly to Fiona Apple's Fetch The Bolt Cutters. Each song serves a purpose and builds a narrative of how whacky life can be. While there may not be any pop hits like in prior records, it's really a beautiful continual build-up.

  • 5/5 stars

    Takes the VW mythos and completely implodes it. These sound like VW songs, but each one is slightly off, slightly disjointed, to the point that each song becomes something new — I’ve heard songs like this, but I’ve never heard songs like this. I want to crawl inside this production and never leave.

  • 4.5/5 stars

    Yes. Just yes. Exactly what I needed from them such a fresh spin on their already amazing sound that has been so uniquely theirs for 15 years. Loved the hell out of this record

  • 5/5 stars

    Five years have passed since Vampire Weekend's last album release and now they have released a great Indierock album with "Only God Was Above Us". One of my highlights of the year and one that I want to listen to again and again from the first to the last song.

  • 4/5 stars

    My favorite moment of this album was watching the live stream of their Eclipse show while the sun literally went dark over my house.

  • 5/5 stars

    Tardó un poco en entrar pero ahora ya solo toca acostumbrarse a pasarse la vida con Ice Cream Piano y Capricorn 24h en la cabeza, como un acúfeno.

  • 4/5 stars

    needed a few listens before i could really formulate an opinion, but for me it's easy to say that vampire weekend are back and better than ever. this is very much in the vein of contra + mvotc, my two favourite releases from them.

    "we are so fucking back" as the kids would say .

  • 3.5/5 stars

    I’ve been procrastinating an opinion on this album for weeks now and it’s time to grow some balls and have one. Will I always have an immense soft spot for the early VW that soundtracked my 3am tumblr scrolls - yes, do I think they were better with full time Rostam - maybe, is this still a great album that effectively encapsulates the inner workings of an aging millennial, and was my initial resistance to it also an unwillingness to admit my own descent into adulthood - definitely

Last updated: February 8th, 2024

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