Imaginal Disk

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  • 3/5 stars

    Un disco demasiado sofisticado para ser o suficientemente mamarracho e demasiado mamarracho para ser o suficientemente sofisticado. Nin arre nin xo, nin moito nin pouco.

    As ideas interesantes -que non son poucas- quedan enterradas nunha duración excesiva e nun remexido de experimentos que, para o meu gusto, pecan de pretenciosos e me distancian bastante do que si me atrae.

    Contento con que cheguen a esa fina capa de música que non-é-mainstream-pero-case cousas diferentes, pero aínda non atopei os motivos para que este disco levantara tanta expectación. Pode que nuns anos volva e me decate de que simplemente era cousa da miña xordeira, pero non ten moita traza de momento

  • 3.5/5 stars

    I have no idea why this blew up. It’s fine – good, even.

    But that part in "Image" where the distorted and heavily clipped bass comes in for the last chorus is one of my favorite moments of 2024.

  • 2/5 stars

    genuinely baffled by the positive reception this has received. my tiktok fyp is full of people declaring this the greatest album they've ever heard. what i can say positive about this album is that it is not ineptly put together. this is clearly the work of competent musicians in service of the blandest, most mid vision in existence. every aspect of this is sonically repulsive to me. even in the occasional moments when i appreciate the craft of the songwriting and production, it's all ruined by mica's awful indie girl baby voice. i can't fathom why so many people are acting like this is a unique or new sound -- it feels like all indie pop has sounded like this… More

  • 4/5 stars

    A wild mix of EDM and progressive guitar rock coupled with spoken word. The 15 songs are never the same and always different. Sometimes more guitar, sometimes more EDM, then pop or house. Hats off to the range.

    My favorite songs are "She looks like me" and "Vampire in the corner".

  • 3.5/5 stars

    Empezamos la semana por todo lo alto con este disco que tantas ganas tenía de escuchar. Hay una cosa que me gusta y es lo mucho que suena a futurista y a nave espacial. Es un proyecto Synth pop con todo el rollo a ciencia ficción. La voz principal y su forma de cantar me recuerda un poco a María Zardoya de The Marias, cosa que me gusta. Casi cada una de las canciones está hilada con transiciones que me maravillan cada vez que las escucho en trabajos similares. Hay momentos donde la producción es tan intrigante que me agarra la cabeza y me la mueve de arriba a abajo. La cuestión es que, hay álbumes de Synth pop que… More

Last updated: July 11th, 2024

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