CD collection More options Fer 100 releases This is a list of all the CDs that I own. As you may see, and to my concern, they are much more numerous than the vinyls.
2004 Albums that are NOT Arcade Fire‘s Funeral More options Marcus Krüger 19 releases For some reason some outlets are doing rather detailed re-visits of Arcade Fire‘s Funeral.I‘ve checked what other Albums I‘ve listened to in the year 2004 besides Arcade Fire‘s Funeral.
Full Album Live Performances More options Alexander 20 releases Live performances of full albums I’ve seen.
Top 5 Contenders Pt 1 More options Aulia Ramadhan 100 releases No skip albums/EPs. Rated 4.5/5 minimum.
Albums That Turn 20 Years Old This Year More options Mattias Hinderson 53 releases Yes, we are old. Death comes for us all, etc.