Switches between intimate/quiet and epic/loud with incredible ease, walks that fine line that "emo" walks between earnest and cloying incredibly well, and they put on a hell of a live show.
Wish they'd stop opening for Tiktok famous bands that sound like what milquetoast Zoomers think "indie" music sounded like (e.g. MGMT but as the background music in a plaque psoriasis commercial) and headline their own shit because they'd set the world on fire (metaphorically).
el melodrama d'inicis del segle xxi portat a un debut vint anys després, sobreexposició de la desesperació, epopeies mal enteses inundant cadascuna de les decisions i unes veus que no saps per on eixiran... el que ve a ser tot el que li demane a un disc
Find this irresistible even though I didn't completely love it first time through. Love the tone, the variation, the counter-melodies, and the fuzz. Chemical is a song of the year contender.
Justo en el cruce entre la intensidad desbordada, la expresión manierista y la teatralidad heredada de Arcade Fire, es donde Friko y yo nos encontramos. No es lo mejor, pero si de lo más prometedor de este 2024.