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  • 4.5/5 stars

    Billie Eilish's new album is a masterful blend of her signature dark electropop and ethereal power ballads, striking a balance that feels both familiar and refreshingly innovative. This album seamlessly bridges the gap between the haunting, minimalist sounds of "When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go?" and the more polished, introspective tones of "Happier Than Ever".

    With this album, Eilish is pushing her musical boundaries while maintaining the essence of her unique style. Eilish has managed to craft an album that is experimental but never alienates the listener, that is both avant-garde and accessible, both powerful and introspective.

    This is an album that grows with you, revealing new layers and nuances with each play, which is why I… More

  • 3.5/5 stars

    LUNCH is such a banger. CHIHIRO is probably my favourite track on this. The definite homage to Daft Punk in CHIHIRO had me missing them so bad.

    Nice one, Billie and Finni <3

  • 4.5/5 stars

    Para “HIT ME HARD AND SOFT”, Billie Eilish y Finneas O’Connel iban a ciegas. El proceso del disco estaba plagado de incertidumbre y de dudas sobre si lo que estaban haciendo era bueno o lo peor de su carrera. En la entrevista con Zane Lowe para Apple Music, Billie y Finneas nos confiesan que el proceso de este disco fue muy diferente al de su predecesor. Para “Happier Than Ever”, iban con una mentalidad algo egocéntrica y presumida. Su gran aclamado debut con “WHEN WE ALL FALL ASLEEP, WHERE DO WE GO?”, le dio a los hermanos una falsa seguridad de que todo lo que harían a partir de ese momento sería bueno:

    FINNEAS: Hay cosas de las que… More

  • 3.5/5 stars

    Extremely solid album. As per usual, she showed great restraint throughout the record, which creates some powerful tracks like "Bittersuite" and "Lunch" to match the obvious hits of "L'amour de ma vie" and "Birds of a feather". However, I found myself wanting slightly more out of her on several tracks that held me back from rating this higher. Definitely one of the better 3.5/5 albums of the year, though. I'm waiting for "the one" out of her that really shows the growth and experimentation I know she's capable of showcasing.

  • 4/5 stars

    Probablemente el mejor disco de Billie Eilish. Delicado, bonito y de búsqueda. Mucho mejor en los temas con electrónica, donde se desenvuelve sin problema.

  • 4/5 stars

    No me envejecieron bien los hits que había escuchado antes de Billie Eilish -o igual me sobraron 300 de las 500 veces que oí "bad guy" en todas partes- pero este disco me entró como un batido fresquito. Solo hubiera pedido un poco más de riesgo y volumen en la voz. Pero vamos, que muy bien.

  • 5/5 stars

    I may have listened to this album maybe 10 times since it was released. I am one of the guys that believe that Billie Eilish was ok but I hadn't spent a lot of time listening to her. What can I say, i don't know how many times i've been wrong in my life.

    It's like you can imagine her and Finneas talking in the studio, coming up with ideas and putting whatever they want into their music. For me it's the opposite from Cowboy Carter, where you can feel the 100 people that worked in that record.

    L’AMOUR DE MA VIE, what a hit. For me, it's the album of 2024.

  • 3.5/5 stars

    Es un disco bien hermoso pero a la vez se alcanzó a tornar algo monótono. No soy super fan de la mezcla tampoco. Al final deja de ser Billie tan protagonista y se convierte en un disco un poco más coherente con una banda.

Last updated: May 29th, 2024

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