cass's reviews

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  • 4/5 stars

    i’ve been trying to make some things that sounds basically exactly like this project from saeph for a couple months and i’m going to go delete all my ableton projects now.

  • 4/5 stars

    there's a weird kind of disappointment when an album comes out and it turns out the singles were definitely the best tracks on it. which is stupid, because the singles here are almost the entire A-side of the album, and it's not like the b-side is bad, it's in fact really good.

    is there really no happiness? and year of the cup are the only non-single tracks which, for me, reach the level of the singles. i was really excited for mona lisa before listening because i adore frost children and wanted to hear porter put his 3OH!3 on but it turns out that it kind of sounds like neither of their music and instead sound like someone put… More

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