really out of this world cuckoo bananas that dudes could take this long off and be older than my dad and put out a fucking sicko good record. rick beato put out some video this week saying that creativity dies after your thirties and id like to tell that wax figure jim jarmusch fucker to listen to this record and then delete his youtube channel.
is it the genre defining master work that a lot of people who don't listen to any other hardcore bands claim it is? hell nah. is it a very fun record filled with some good jock jams? you betcha.
listening to this, it becomes pretty clear that nick was hemmed in during the time with lvl up and when it's the little interludes I'm like "yeah dave and mike knew better than this crap" and when it's the title track and golden soul it's "this is the best music I've ever heard"
it isn't their best album but the title track is probably the first song of theirs to really capture the energy of the rat since that dropped. good guitar work throughout without the majority of the ballads that dragged down the few albums before it.
the cheese is beginning to show. whoever told rivers the "make the solos follow the vocal melody note for note" thing should be sent to the Hague. however, it has some of the most weezery songs. i like it. third best self-titled weezer record.
is it incredible, no. but it's kind of incredible that billy didn't make something that sucks total ass. some solid riffs here, something I no longer thought he was capable of. decent record!!!
if my morning jacket dropped this after it still moves, I think the way we discuss that band would be totally different. instead it's just a solo offshoot that's way better than it has any right being.