Will Charczuk's reviews

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  • 4.5/5 stars

    I love Spoon's albums generally, but this was the first one I really got into and has a special place in my heart. "Everything Hits At Once" crawled into my skull and looked out of my eyes for a period in college that I can't forget.

    Standout tracks are "Everything Hits At Once" (by miles), "The Fitted Shirt" and "Take A Walk".

  • 4.5/5 stars

    Timeless. A must listen.

    For me, memories of summer and the beach and driving with the windows down.

    The album itself is an interesting academic exercise of forcing comparing more traditional African music with zydeco by placing tracks of those styles together. The African tracks are standouts, the zydeco tracks are kind of forgettable by comparison but still good.

  • 4.5/5 stars

    What a howitzer of an album.

    Taken out of context, this album would stand alone as a really excellent example of shoegaze, but taken in the context that this was the reunion album after ~20+ years of not recording together, it makes it that much more impressive.

    Standouts for me were "Slomo" (by miles), and "No Longer Making Time"

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