Will Charczuk's reviews

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  • 3/5 stars

    Took a long time to get around to this. I heard it for the first time at the "Art of Noise" installation at SF MoMA. Hearing it on that gigantic system made me want to dig in a bit more and was pleasantly surprised. Kind of a fusion of electronic production and soul, it reminds me a lot of Zero 7 and groups of that vein, though it's obvious who inspired who.

  • 3/5 stars

    A kind of sneering rock album that you could tell someone came out in 1993 and no one would bat an eye.

    It's dark and moody in ways that are hard to articulate; the track "Stay" could be characterized by "what depression sounds like". Intense.

    Standouts for me are "Cool in Motion" and "Stay".

  • 3/5 stars

    It's good! Kind of the vibe of electronic you hear coming out of a gallery in the lower east side that has a Chinese kitchen operating out of the basement and is covered in graffiti.

    Highlights for me were "Punching down" and the title track.

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