Clouds in the Sky They Will Always Be There for Me

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  • possiblement és un poc menys redó que l'anterior, però continua sent una molt bona declaració d'intencions, amb més d'un tema excel·lent i que denota una capacitat compositiva molt per damunt de la resta de la seua generació

  • I was in a bad mood when I first put this on and was a little underwhelmed but after a few more spins I think that was on me. _God of Everything Else_ is fantastic and everything else on the album is, at bare minimum, good

  • Album is definitely a bit too inconsistent compared to previous releases. The first half of “Anybody” through “God of Everything Else” hits very hard and shows their versatility, but then the album settles too comfortably, with a few highlights (like “Wednesday” and “Sick of the Blues”). Not disappointed and a fine addition to their discography, but left wishing I had more to chew on.

Last updated: October 17th, 2024·MusicBrainz

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