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  • So Tangk is the Idles album that turns non Idles fans into Idles fans. It’s a post punk equivalent of… imagine if the douche bag who’s been playing with your feelings and leaving you on read suddenly became emotionally available. That how this album feels in the band’s catalogue.

    Stand out tracks: “Gift Horse” & “Grace”

  • I know I'm in the minority here, but I love this poppier sound by IDLES. They're showing they're still really creative and will hold to that as they continue to blossom into the mainstream.

  • Quizá su sonido se haya amansado con este disco, preo precisamente eslo que hace que más gente pueda disfrutar de ellos. Siguen sonando crudos, y siguen siendo una maravilla.

Last updated: October 18th, 2023·MusicBrainz

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