How do you follow up a seminal album 17 years later? At the time of release, I remember seeing a lackluster response and didn't really dive in. Now, years later, I have a tape version I picked up on a whim now that I live in American Football Town. It was a wonderful listen. Perhaps it doesn't have the rawness of the first album, that special sauce that made it such a memorable work, but it IS still a great album. The sound is a little more polished, informed by itself, but I found myself liking it. A solid release.
17 años después de su debut, American Football publican un segundo disco que nace a partir de su gira de reunión. Con los mismos ingredientes replican un sonido propio y, sin llegar al nivel de su predecesor, nos dejan unas cuantas canciones para el recuerdo, como ‘My Instincts Are The Enemy’ o ‘Where Are We Now?’