Niklas Pivic's reviews

Showing 61-70 of 70 reviews
  • 4.5/5 stars

    This may sound contrite, but I'll say it anyway: the unreleased Steve Albini version of this album, recorded in 1997, is excellent. A sheer power-pop masterpiece. Some of the songs just bleed fun and love for music. Every single bit is lovely.

    On the "Rockline 2003" show, someone called in and asked the band for the history behind this disc, and Bun E. Carlos gave the explanation. The "In Color" album was produced by Tom Werman, but the band always felt that Werman screwed up the album. "He made it safe for radio, but the album sounds like it was done in a cardboard box." So, in 1997, they were in the studio hanging around with Steve Albini and had… More

  • 3/5 stars

    This is actually a very listenable album, considering how Merzbow usually includes a lot of high-pitched treble-laden noise. Au contraire, this is low-rumbling stuff (at least during the first 20 minutes); sounds made me feel as though massive ice-blocks were dragged all around me. In a good way, actually.

    I had no problems working to this music!

  • 4.5/5 stars

    I wrote this a couple of weeks after the album was released:

    Alvvays' third album is their best yet.

    In a couple of weeks, I've played this album over twenty times. Yeah. It's that good.

    Alvvays don't shy away from their influences—The Smiths, shoegaze stuff, twee indie bands—but they bring great songs to the table, songs with odd chord changes, loads of melodies, no show–offy shit but rather a communal sense of wanting to do whatever makes the best song, and more melodies. I love the fact that they're using two different singers. And synths. Reliable drums. Great guitar sounds and riffs. This is some fun and great shit. I feel that Alvvays have feared nothing while… More

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