by Tim Linghaus
My own father passed in 2019. I was in deep grief and mourning when a friend shared this album as a way of consoling me. I consider that one of the most profound gestures of empathy. For months, this served as my crutch. Tim Linghaus’ music sat with me on the pavement as I processed the pain and melancholy. Looking for Dad in Radio Noise, Drive Me Somewhere Nice, up until the last track, You In Our Rear View Mirror just wrapped my despair like a comfort blanket. It felt like someone held my hand through all the stages of grief as I looked back at my complicated relationship with my father. The tender piano melodies were beautiful that it made me ache, the kind I needed to move on. There were a lot of layers and textures in the tracks, just like how our memories can be as we look back and reminisce. This is one of the most sincere music I’ve listened to, and I remain grateful it embraced me at such a diffcult time.
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