Jati Sukmana's reviews

Showing 2 reviews
  • 4/5 stars

    A compelling listen that evokes the spirit of the first Wolf Alice album, showcasing a successful blend of influences and musical elements. The album channels the sonic grit of Deftones and the expansive sonic landscapes of Smashing Pumpkins, crafting a sound that feels both nostalgic and fresh.

  • 3.5/5 stars

    Discovering "seeyalater stratocaster" through a late-night YouTube rabbit hole, nearly three years post-release, feels like striking gold in a sea of mainstream monotony. This album masterfully fuses english vocal synths with the raw edges of indie rock and the heartfelt angst of emo.

    Taste the Rain, a standout track, captivates with its beautiful lyrics: "An umbrella won’t protect you when you’ve already drowned and seeing streetlights from underneath the waves." The poetic depth and emotive synthetic vocals blend to deliver an unique listening experience that hits you right in the feels.

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