Gigolo 976's reviews

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    3/5 stars

    Maybe it's the production or maybe it's me. I have to listened to this album more times but the jazz mood that is floating in all the songs is not something I'm really into.

    Let's see if I can change this review in the future. At least we can say she try new things. There are a lot of artists/bands that replicate the same formula that brought them to success. Thumbs up on that.

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    5/5 stars

    I mean, probably there are like 20 songs of this album that I don't remember but every time i listen to it it feels like an unique experience. The idea of this album is awesome: love is the engine that moves the world, produce almost every song and give us all the good and bad things to talk about everyday. That includes funny stuff that may be ridiculous, satiric but love is also about that.

    It contains some of the best songs that have been created ever.

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    4.5/5 stars

    La primera vez que lo escuché no le di muchas vueltas. Me había descargado su discografía y estaba un poco harto de las típicas canciones malas de cada album.

    Me gustó Que no sea Kang, por favor, La cara de Nikki Lauda... pero con el paso de los años vuelvo más y más a las canciones de este disco.

    Top 3 de Los PLanetas.

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    5/5 stars

    I may have listened to this album maybe 10 times since it was released. I am one of the guys that believe that Billie Eilish was ok but I hadn't spent a lot of time listening to her. What can I say, i don't know how many times i've been wrong in my life.

    It's like you can imagine her and Finneas talking in the studio, coming up with ideas and putting whatever they want into their music. For me it's the opposite from Cowboy Carter, where you can feel the 100 people that worked in that record.

    L’AMOUR DE MA VIE, what a hit. For me, it's the album of 2024.

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    4.5/5 stars

    It is one of these weird albums when you can feel the anxiety of the artist, her need to be understood or to make you feel like your are not completely alone. It's like if you've shared a coffee with her before to talk about the content of each song.

    Sometimes you like the music of someone and when you get to know her/him you like it even more. After some interviews i read, this is one of these cases.

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    5/5 stars

    El mejor disco que he escuchado en mi vida.

    Creo que tenía 19 y ya había escuchado alguna vez hablar de El Niño Gusano. Mi hermana era colega de la sobrina de Sergio Algora, el vocalista y creo que por eso no hice nunca caso, pensaba que eran un grupo amateur (que tampoco tiene nada malo). No había spotify pero conseguí descargarme en esa época su discografía y me quedé en shock. ¿Qué cojones es esto? Mi oído estaba educado con el punk-pop que se escuchaba en casa, rock español de la radio.. y esto era una locura. Una pena que Sergio ya había muerto prematuramente.

    Las letras son un elige tu propia aventura. Hay un camino marcado pero puedes… More

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    4/5 stars

    The first album that i liked of Beyoncé. There is a problem with pop nowadays: all the artists want to trascend and they sometimes forget that you need good rythm, catchy lyrics, coherent production..

    In this album there is a good mix. You can get all the things that they want to say and at the same time dance and enjoy almost every minute.

    The first 5-6 songs great. The rest of the album a little more boring.

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    5/5 stars

    It's hard to remember a band that has a better and more solid discography. I had my doubts in the previous album, which ended up being one of my favourites after some years.

    I love bands that love producing albums, Vampire Weekend takes care of that, you won't feel like they made this in 1-2 months. There is hard work here.

    Please, allow yourself to sense all the love and passion that was put in every song.

    Capricorn is a masterpiece.

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