by Gnod
Gnod return to their roots with an album of loose jams, a long way from the relentless pummeling of their last few releases. Spot Land even brings Mogwai and Talk Talk to mind at times. However, even though it's a nice listen I'm not sure if I will still be thinking about it in a few weeks.
Showing 3 commentsI only started hearing about Gnod more recently; during the run of more recent heavier albums, and wasn’t keen, but I was really into this one myself. Might even be my album of the year! Would you recommend any of their earlier releases?
There are a few self-released albums they did early on that are closer to this in sound, I'm particularly fond of one called Lord Fear's Dream which is possibly only available on YouTube at the moment. You may also like a compilation called "Easy to build, hard to destroy" and a collaboration with White Hills, "Gnod drop out with White Hills II". Spot Land is possibly the brightest sounding record they have done though!
Amazing, thank you! The compilation you mentioned is on streaming platforms so I’ll start there and track down the rest. Definitely happy to delve into darker music than this, so I’m excited.
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