Erik Sibils's reviews

Showing 2 reviews
  • 2/5 stars

    A sad attempt at "cancel me bro" that's a few years too late.

    I was a huge fan of his debut in the late 90s. Incredibly gifted technically and a great mind for long form story telling. It's just harder to separate the art from the cringe here.

    Ill give it two stars based on the later part of the album with some interesting beats and cameos. But, it's a no for me...

  • 3/5 stars

    I feel like 3/5 is a bit unfair because of my inability to understand the language. I can always feel the passion and intention in these Saharan rock outfits. Normally that carries me through. But, I was a little put off on the autotune in most uses here.

    Right from the start I was caught off guard from the energy from the loudness and (sometimes too) busy drums. There were some elements that felt a little out of place. Including some "jam band" denouement style finishes.

    The meat of the album is a little more of what I expected. Vocals and guitar leads pinging back and forth like a great conversation. A great driving force that kept my focus… More

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