Avg. rating

3/5 stars

Major letdown. I don't take nearly as much issue as others have been with the use of AI vocals (you can tell it's still Dan underneath the effects), nor do I care about the merging of Caribou and Daphni in terms of vibe. The real issue to me is the lack of identity the second half of record brings, and how uninspired it all feels. It really misses the mark, and is such a bummer after a string of strong singles.

1 comment

  • I'm going to write my own review about this, but I was texting with a friend and came to the realization that if you listen to this album starting from Track 8 "Over Now" through to the first half, it actually makes much more cohesive sense.

    Still a let down though... the whole thing feels "cheap" in someway.

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