Davin Kolderup's reviews

Showing 6 reviews
  • 4/5 stars

    Rock’s “Phil” Power Rankings

    An exercise in semantic satiation

    Phil Lynott

    Phil Manzanera

    Phil Everly

    Phil Lesh

    Phil Elvrum

    Phil Rudd

    Phil Selway

    Phil May

    Phil Collins

    Phil Ochs

    Phil Anselmo

    *Phil Spector (removed from consideration because we’re trying to have fun here)

  • 4.5/5 stars

    Sleeper had as many hooks and as much lyrical acuity as any group to come out of the UK in the 90s, and I’m sure the fact that they’ve never been considered a top-tier Britpop band has nothing to do with the fact that they’re fronted by a woman.

  • 4/5 stars

    Considered by most to be the third-best Cult live LP, I think it still rips, although my tolerance for ‘80s BÖC may be higher than average. I consider it historically noteworthy, however, for including two of the all-time greatest moments in live album stage banter.

    1) During the opening performance of “Dominance and Submission,” Eric Bloom reassures the Hudson Valley audience “I know Poughkeepsie takes rock & roll seriously!”

    2) During their cover of the Doors’ “Roadhouse Blues,” right before the section where he sings “I woke up this morning and got myself a beer,” the band goes into an extended vamp while Bloom, perhaps concerned the audience cannot take the leap of imagining him drinking a beer upon waking,… More

  • 4.5/5 stars

    A transitional album - David Ruffin was fired during the recording, Norman Whitfield had almost but not completely usurped production duties from Smokey Robinson - and better for it in some ways, bridging the gap from the “Classic 5” 60s sound to the full on Psychedelic Soul of the Whitfield Era.

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