davis's reviews

Showing 3 reviews
  • 3.5/5 stars

    There is a meme image that floats around synth communities about someone "using the most expensive setup possible to make the most annoying sound you've ever heard."

    This is kinda like that but as a rock album. As always, APTBS's music sounds like amplified sheet metal, and as always the results are equally great and abrasive.

  • 4.5/5 stars

    He takes every good musical idea from his entire career and smashes them all together to create something even greater than the sum of its parts. Musical experiments with distortion far beyond the limits of usual good taste, poignant, direct lyrics, and some outright kickass rock songs.

    Also includes by far the funniest musical joke of his entire career at the end of "I Spoke With a Fish."

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Review Ratings 3

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