Álvaro's reviews

Showing 15 reviews
  • My guilty pleasure. My home alone karaoke stuff. My "I have to deliver this thing in an hour" soundtrack. I just have a playlist with all the albums and shuffle.

    Bought this one in CD in '97 somewhere in Long Beach. They could have been around the corner eating quesadillas for sure.

  • Three first tracks are excellent and are a mix of The Supremes doing her thing while adapting to new times in terms of sound. Great guitar work throughout. It also shows how they were trying to keep up, the covers here are a bit mediocre and just didn't fit them.

  • Wow, this is really good. The one song thing works well here, stretching time perception while listening but also sounds timeless in style.

    Been into this album on a couple of work trips where waiting 30 minutes for a plane or whatever is common and feels different. This album felt scapist and kindda trippy on those situations.

    Great discovery.

  • I recognize the genius on Charli, I've enjoyed some of her stuff (when she was closer to PC Music though) and I see a lot of that here. But also some stuff just sounds like cheap synth presets to me and some PC Music lookalike and burnt ideas. So yeah, all good but I'll get back to this another time.

  • Soul Coughing was tagged as a "novelty act" in the 90's along with other bands. Eff that.

    Their 3 album run was full of the most imaginative and unique stuff to come up from that decade. The drummer slaps on this one.

  • 5/5 stars

    So back in '96 my family went on a rare family trip, this time to London. Got all my savings and bought a ton of albums and my first Adidas Gazelle. Good trip.

    From what I got I clearly remember this one and The Breeders' Pod. Those two albums redefined everything I listened afterwards as the world was phasing out grunge and I was done with the british punk classics.

    Do i like pop music now? Is this pop? I asked myself. Not sure but this distorted and delicate sound went on to be up my alley. Dark and sweet, slow but intense in all its noisy glory. Such a unique sound with catchy melodies (Superball, Honeycomb) and some amazing… More

  • Sometimes it takes a fifth listen on a long subway trip to get the vibe of an album.

    Happy to see the band together (I didn't like that separate double album at all) and their quest to explore different stuff in every release. It's not at the level of the three first albums but still works. One of my favorite bands of the last decade. ❤️

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