ABC's reviews

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  • 0.5/5 stars

    Cherry Bomb is the biggest example of why mixing matters. You can barely hear the vocals at times, and the instrumentals are so unbalanced you legitimately wonder if it's intended this way. It fully ruins the listening experience, and personally made me stop listening to any Tyler albums to this day.

    Fans try to defend this by saying it's better if you listen to it at a low volume the entire time, which... that's not how frequencies in audio and such are supposed to work. It's an interesting case though for remastering rap albums, since unlike rock and such you don't really see remasters in this genre. I can't think of an album more deserving of it though than Cherry… More

  • 2.5/5 stars

    Mr. Morale is a oddly sequenced album. You start with a song, United in Grief, that sets you up thinking the next 17 songs are going to be this creative and stand out. Instead we get N95, which is fine but absolutely nothing new from Kendrick, but instead a radio song through and through. We get to Worldwide Steppers next which revives hope yet again that maybe N95 was just a one off and production akin to To Pimp A Butterfly will be happening, creating memorable songs. It never does though with this album.

    Kendrick teases you the entire time with what could have been a stand out album, trying to be something that can stand on its own. What… More

  • 4/5 stars

    The Bowie estate has had a weird relationship with releasing new material. Unlike Prince's estate there's really been little to no deluxe editions with unreleased tracks or scrapped albums outside of Toy, and very low key demo releases that are really weirdly distributed. In the meantime they've been putting out a lot of live concert albums, and this might be the best out of the few that actually deserved to be released.

    Right in the middle of the Earthling era, Bowie just says "yeah no fuck real instruments we're cool kids now like Nine Inch Nails" and it works so well while Bowie is still aware of what he can and can't get away with inside the genre.

    Some old… More

  • 1.5/5 stars

    There comes a time when using every production trick in the book actually makes a song worse, and wow this is bad! We have a chorus that is really misguided in how catchy it actually is, rather, it's annoying with the heavy auto-tune. The production itself outside of that is lacking and fairly generic. There's really no reason for this out of all the songs from the supposed album this is from (Dun 4Got Bout Mix).

    Did he think this would be the song to blow up? Of course going back to Mack Daddy he though One Time's Got No Case should be the lead single instead of Baby Got Back. It's just annoying overall. It's also crazy to consider… More

  • 4.5/5 stars

    Randy Newman's Faust over the years has somehow been lost to time. All these amazing vocalists joined Randy on this album and... we kinda forgot? Elton John just randomly pops up for one song as an angel mad about World War 2 being won by America then NEVER COMES BACK. Why? Who knows. Vanity? Likely.

    The story of Faust is actually a bit difficult to follow if you're not familiar with the original Faust. The demos included on streaming of Faust with Randy Newman by himself actually give a better plot summary and some stage direction you don't get with the songs themselves.

    That said some of the lyrics on this album are absolutely fantastic. My favorite possibly being

    "The… More

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