by Radiohead
那已经是发行好几年之后,一个中国小孩在网吧听到这张专辑。其中的音效,和弦,甚至是唱腔对我都是颠覆性的,如果说周杰伦给我的是好听新鲜的悦耳旋律,那么 Radiohead 告诉我,原来怪怪的声音也可以很有意思,接下来,有趣的事情就开始了......
My reaction at the time was one of broadening horizons.
That was several years after its release, when a Chinese child heard this album in an internet café. The sound effects, harmonies, and even the vocal style were all revolutionary to me. If Jay Chou gave me pleasant and fresh melodies, then Radiohead showed me that strange sounds can also be very interesting. After that, the fun began...
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