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5/5 stars

in short, I am a hot bisexual with two boyfriends who recently discovered she went up a cup size. I couldn't need or love this album more.

in long, I didn't care at all about charli until seeing her live two years ago and something about the sheer talent and queer euphoria in the room permanently and formatively altered my brain chemistry in a healing direction. Whatever the opposite of gay conversion therapy is, that's charli's music. BRAT is transcendent, bold, and genuinely interesting pop music. If I had this album when I was sixteen, I could have saved myself a lot of trouble, but I take solace in knowing there is a whole generation of figuringthmeselvesoutkids who do get to enjoy this level of earnestness, vulnerability, and unapologeticness from someone they admire on a global stage. Give this bitch her flowers and a bump.


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