I probably discovered this soundtrack while exploring the Windham Hill back catalog. I don’t know what this (presumable) documentary is about, but based on the awesome album cover, it’s some polar or mountainous expedition co-led by Japan, Canada, and the US. It could be an incredible and forgotten science fiction film about claiming a distant asteroid with a breathable atmosphere, but that seems unlikely.
The Shape of the Land is a lovely instrumental album featuring mostly solo piano and guitar, with occasional synth strings/choir. The Malcolm Dalglish track stands out as a boisterous exception, featuring hammer dulcimer and a little electric/synth bass bloom at the end.
If you want to explore the weirdness of Windham Mill Records, this is a fine place to start. It doesn't reach the heights of George Winston's Autumn, but it also isn't plagued with the question tonal decisions that make some Windham Hill albums hard to listen to in the 21st Century.
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