Liner Notes·July 16, 2024

Improvements to lists

Record Club screenshot

One of our most requested features is being able to add notes to each individual item in a list, just like on platforms like Rate Your Music or Letterboxd.

And now you can.

These smaller notes (currently limited to 1,000 characters) are not meant to replace your regular review(s) of a specific release, but rather to provide some context as to why they are included in the list.

Manually update position

In addition to notes, we’ve also added the ability to manually enter the position of an item in a list, which is super handy if you don’t want to drag an item across a very long list.

Let us know if you catch any bugs or inconsistencies with these two new additions.

Coming up

We have a very big roadmap full of cool new features and bug fixes, but for full transparency, these are the features that are currently in progress:

  • Enable editing and deleting tags
  • More settings/fields for reviews, and general improvements to the mobile/app experience
  • Our iOS app
  • Being able to like a release (in addition to the already existing rating feature)
  • Making it easier to access your Queue on the home/dashboard page
  • "Supporter tier"-specific features and perks, to be announced later

Cheers ✌️